General properties
Dimensional series |
E, according to DIN ISO 12240
Mechanical properties
Max. static radial tensile stress, long-term |
1800 N
Max. static radial tensile stress, short-term |
3600 N
Max. radial static pressure load, long-term |
3500 N
Max. radial static pressure load, short-term |
7000 N
Maximum tightening torque, fastening |
4.5 Nm
Manufacturing and installation tolerances
Installation tolerance d1 |
h |
34 mm
m |
37 mm
a |
50 mm
Ø d1 |
25 mm
h1 |
17 mm
h2 |
6.4 mm
Ø d3 (Flange) |
10.6 mm
R1 |
6.5 mm
C1 |
13 mm
d2 |